1. My very first episode - Welcome

I Started Yoga at a very young age this has given me a unique perspective of Yoga, a different point of view to most people that were introduced to Yoga as an adult or in their late teens. It has allowed me to hold onto a childlike approach to Yoga and in doing so I believe, that this point of view has helped me to maintain a soft childlike quality to my mind and body when I come to practise and teach. This is me talking to you about my yoga so you can find and love YOUR yoga. oxo

4m 44s   l   July 13th, 2019

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

2. The Importance of Yoga

Yoga is not all about contortionism. I am talking yoga to touch your toes.

3m 01s   l   July 13th, 2019

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

3. Folding for Life

This episode we start on improving your everyday life, with our first posture. I am talking about standing forward fold (uttanasana)

4m 13s   l   July 13th, 2019

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

4. Put a Spring Back in your Step

This episode we are looking at a posture that will keep your hips limber and functional. The butterfly pose (baddha konasana) helps to remove tiredness from long hours of walking or standing and will actually help you to stand and walk comfortably for longer periods.

3m 16s   l   July 13th, 2019

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

5. Working on a Hunch

The mother of all postures – the shoulder stand (salamba sarvangasana) most commonly called the candle pose, is be part one of our anatomical focus on the neck and shoulders, part two will follow next month

July 31st, 2019

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

6. Plough through stifness

Part two of our anatomical focus of the neck and shoulders....Out of all the asanas that yoga offers, halasana is one of the best and also one of my favorites and in my opinion should be taught to everyone from a young age. I love it, it like a mini detox for the body every time you practise it..

 3m 49s | August 8th, 2019

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

7. The VAN DAMME of Yoga

This episode is all about the awesome groin stretch that is Upavistha Konasana - Straddle splits but I like to call it "the Van Damme" cause if JCVD can do it, anyone can.

 4m 09s | August 22nd, 2019

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

8. It's all in the hips

This episode I share with you Anjaneyasana. Alot of people don’t realise that the hip flexor plays a big part in the mobility and flexibility of the back, particularly the lower back. This asana is a great gem for everyday life mobility.

 4m 44s | May 05th, 2020

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

9. Kim White Yoga - 60 minute hatha class

This is one of the first ever yoga classes I created and taught. I love the simplicity of this class, it allows for your own asana investigations. One of my students told me once, that when I teach this class she feels like she is coming home.. I love that. oxox.

 56m 17s | May 05th, 2020

Kim White on Podomatic  l  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts